At Harley Farms, our goal is to produce livestock and crops in a way that aligns with the surrounding natural environment and with a special focus on animal and bird welfare | |
Humanely Raised Our farming system is grounded in the belief that our animals should be raised as humanely and naturally as possible. As a result, our farm animals are kept together in family groups for most of their lives, which reduces their stress levels and supports their overall health. We also believe in maximizing the use of our pastures and forage crops, which allows the animals to subsist predominantly on the plants and crops they are meant to consume, thereby reducing our dependency on grains in our livestock finishing program. | |
Harley Farms originated in East Kennett, England. Roger and Julie, together with our children James and Emily, used natural farming protocols to farm over 4,500 acres that included 2,500 breeding ewes and lambs, 1,000 head of fattening cattle, outdoor farrow to finish hogs, and also producing all our own winter supply of forage. In 2000, we moved to Canada from the UK and in 2002 we purchased our present farms near Keene, Ontario where we started working on, and developing sustainability agricultural standards and protocols, that would work in Canada, to cover the sustainability of the environment, animal welfare and the financial well being of the farmer. | |
Sustainable We believe in maximizing the use of our pastures and forage crops, which allows the animals to subsist predominantly on the plants and crops they are meant to consume. We rotate the animals over our 1200 acres of GMO-free crops and pastures, while our farm naturally replenishes itself through a seven year farm cycle. |
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